Honor Roll of Donors

2020 Supporters

2020 was a year of many things, a year like none other. It was a busy year spent serving our friends and neighbors. 2020 was the year that the Palmyra and Annville-Cleona communities stepped up and said I will not let my children's classmates go to bed with an empty stomach; I will not allow my parents/grandparents to choose between food and medication; I will not let my friends and neighbors struggle any longer.
Everything The Caring Cupboard does is enhanced by the incredible generosity of the people and businesses listed below who made gifts in support of our efforts during calendar year 2020. The Caring Cupboard cannot thank you enough.

Furthermore, we recognize the time and talent of countless volunteers who also helped to make this year possible. We couldn’t have done it without you! Thank you!

If you feel your name or business has been overlooked, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at info@caringcupboard.org.

  • Craig and Tamara Adams

    Joan A. Adams

    The Adler Family

    Todd Albaugh

    Carolyn Albright

    Joan Albright

    Michelle Alger

    Susan and Steve Alger

    Zach Alger

    William and Susan Allison

    Alex and Lynette Almond

    Mike Althouse

    Leo Amoling

    David A. Annibali

    James Appleby

    David and Lori Archer

    Hope and Jon Ashner

    H. Scott and Judith Ayle

    Oren Bachman

    Robin Bailey

    Gregory and Sharon Baiocchi

    Richard Bair

    Walter and Helen Baker

    Gerald H. and Joanne S. Balliet

    William and Iris Bard

    Terry and Elizabeth Barlet

    Geraldine Barto

    Kevin and Gloria Bashore

    Roy and Diane Bateman

    Michael D. and Julianne K. Battistelli

    Christopher and Marie Bauer

    William and Debra Baughman

    John and Rita Bayler

    Wendy Beare

    Rodger and Shirley Beck

    William Beck, Jr.

    Robert and Carin Becker

    Sue Becker

    Bernard and Mary Bell

    Stacey Berard

    Jackie Bergis

    Michelle Berliner

    Ronald and Susan Berman

    Vicki L. Bernardo

    Kenneth Bertolet

    Kathleen Bertrand

    Kevin Biddle

    John C. and Elizabeth A. Binkley

    David Bishop

    Shane Bissot

    Phil Bixler

    Ronald and Sandra Bixler

    Susan Blanchard

    Kerry Blask

    Millicent Bobb

    Pamela and John Boger

    Karie Bogrette

    Anita Bohr

    Alec Bollard

    Amber Boltz

    Gerry and Jean Boltz

    Joan Boltz

    Amy Bornholdt

    George Bory and Veronica Doherty

    Robert Bowman

    Tracy Bowman

    Anne Boyer

    Maria Boyer

    James A. and Elizabeth G. Bracale

    Patricia Braden

    Emily Brandt

    Joel and Kimberly Brandt

    Dorothy A. Brehm

    Joe Breaslin

    Robert and Sandra Brettler

    Jana Bridwell

    David L. and Jill L. Broderic

    Ainsley Brown

    Jeff and Lisa Brown

    Judith Brown

    Timothy and Lori Brown

    Janet Bucher

    Mark and Jasmine Bucher

    Michael Bucher

    Russell and Krystal Bucher

    Patricia A. Buchmoyer

    Lynn Budgeon

    Jay and Carolyn Buffenmyer

    Judith A. Buffington

    Justin and Rachel Bullard

    Aura H. Bunn

    Ray and Leslie Bures

    Cris Burfete

    Alaric Busher

    Joseph and Betty Butch

    Megan and Zackary Butt

    William and Diane Calhoon

    Yvonne Campbell

    Marino and Christine Candori

    Douglas Canovas

    Mary Cantrell

    Frederick J. and Mary J. Carey

    Janice Carpenter

    Shirley Carpenter

    David Carter

    Victor S. Caruso

    Toby and Ellen Catherman

    Kelly Chambers

    Christopher W. and Cynthia M. Champion

    Carla Cherry and Bernie Radilla

    David and Virginia Chittister

    Kenneth G. and Renee L. Choyce

    Phillip and Merry Civello

    Dale and Sylvia Clair

    Calvin and Carla Clements

    Lynn Clements

    Lisa Coburn

    Alyssa Coldren

    Scott Cole

    Michael Collins

    Russ and Sue Collins

    Kenneth Condran

    Pasquale and Linda Confora

    Jes Connolly

    The Cook Family

    Cynthia Cranmer

    Alan M. and Joan B. Craver

    Jacqueline Crouse

    Michelle Curry

    Patricia Custer

    MaKenzie Cuthie

    Barbara Cutter

    Cheryl Dahlberg

    Gerry R. and Deeann W. Daniels

    Shirley Daniels

    Stanley G. Daubert

    Chip and DeFord Davis

    Jethro and June Davis

    Michael Davis

    Thelma Davis

    Craig Dayton

    Timothy Deimling

    Carl E. Deiner

    Kenneth and Cynthia Deitzler

    Philip and Judith DeIvernois

    Wesley and Amy Dellinger

    Betty Jane Demchak

    Derek and Stephanie Denlinger

    Thelma Dennis and Julia Bollinger

    Steven and Heather Derr

    Nicholas J. and Lauren N. Dettorre

    Mary Deven

    Barbara and Kyle DiBrito

    Kim Dilger

    Judith L. Dissinger

    Kate Dively

    Dodd Family

    Diane Dohner

    Brendan and Melissa Dougherty

    James and Mary Dougherty

    James and Ann Dunlop

    Pattie Dupkas

    Larry and Fay Earhart

    Jeff and Ann Ebersole

    Ida and Randy Eckert

    Greg Eckert

    Michael Eckert

    Carol Edris

    Tom and Joanne Ehrhart

    Dawn Elder

    Justin Elliott

    Bonnie Enck

    Robert Engleman

    H. Richard and Cynthia Eschenmann

    Sandra J. Estrada

    Ritchy A. and Winifred J. Estright

    Kathleen and Jaxon Eves

    Jakelynn Falls

    Herbert and Darlene Fankhanel

    Muriel D. Farrell

    Dr. George and Margaret Fava

    Larry and Ann Feiner

    Barry and Dorothy Felt

    Elvin J. and Doctrine S. Felty

    Tom and Deb Fenstermacher

    Dean and Barbara Fernsler

    Susan Ferrer

    Warren D. and Marion L. Ferry

    Jeff Filer

    William and Lois Filingeri

    Herbert and Sylvia Fisher

    Keith and Kathleen Fisher

    Millard and Carolyn Fisher

    Sylvia and Herbert Fisher

    William and Diane Fitterer, Jr.

    Penny Fitzgerald

    Don Fletcher

    Joseph P. and Stefanie A. Fogg

    Sean Foley

    Clarence and Eileen Fox

    James and Dr. Bethany Franklin

    Suzanne and Ed Frazier

    Nickie Fredenburg

    Bruce Fredrickson

    Joshua Freeman

    Karen Fry

    Justin and Sydnee Fuhrman

    Nancy Fuschetti

    Michael and Leigh Gable

    Becky Gacono

    Jedadiah and Kate Gerdes

    Mike and Stephanie Gaffey

    Barb Gainer

    Maureen Gallagher

    Robert and Carla Gallo

    Vanessa Galvan

    Damien and Jessica Garloff

    Patricia Geesaman

    Larry R. and Sandra Y. Geib

    Matthew George

    Martha Gesford

    Gregory and Jennifer Gettle

    Gale Gibson

    Cal and Mauree Gingrich

    Dale Gingrich

  • P. J. and Carrie Gingrich

    Harold and Mary Gish

    Pauline Go

    Brent Gonrowski

    Nevin and Deb Good

    Tennille Good

    Judith Gordon

    Kelly Gordon

    John Gottshall, III

    Randall Gottshall

    D. John and Carol M. Grace

    Joy Graeff

    Lori Grafton

    Sara Graham

    Grandma Barb

    Jewel Gravley

    Barry and Beverly Greiner

    Frank Grenoble

    Gary and Bridget Grieve-Carlson

    Richard Grimes

    Anna Groff

    Michael T. and Pamela S. Grubic

    Walt Grudi

    Carolyn Grunden

    Robert Guenthner

    Matt Guillory

    Travis and Danielle Gundrum

    Curtis and Sharon Gussler

    Debra Haase

    Stacy L. Habecker

    Kris Hacker

    Matthew G. and Jill D. Hahn

    Karen Haldeman

    David Hale

    Betty L. Hamm

    Bette Hann

    Christine Hanna

    J. I. and Lucy A. Hanson

    Sarah and Nate Harris

    Julie Harrison

    Jeanette Hartwell

    John and Lisa Haus

    Carolyn L. Hearsey

    Todd Hearsey

    Dwight and Kelly Hein

    Brenda Heisey

    Steven Hendricks

    Shawn and Niki Hentz

    Wanda Herbert

    Karen L. Hess

    Marc and Annette Hess

    Ronald and Kathleen Hetrick

    Steven and Kristin Heverley

    Kyle B. and Mary E. Hey

    Charles D. and Kathleen G. High

    Steven C. and Cynthia J. Hitz

    Kristin Hoffensetz

    Andrew and Bethany Hoffer

    Tim Hoffer

    Bradley Holland

    Michael and Stacy Hollen

    Holzman Family

    Cindi Homer

    Ruth Hoover

    Kay Hornberger

    David and Judy Horst

    Jennie Horstick

    Ronald Horstick

    Heather Hossler

    Edwin Hostetter

    Marlin and Jeanine Houff

    Aziz and Josette Houri

    Eric Hoy and Beth Eckert-Hoy

    Jonathan and Beverly Hudson

    Nancy Huerter

    Alison Huet-Garner

    Gary and Lucinda Hughes

    Susan Humpf

    Susan Huntzinger

    Candace and Neil Hurley

    Mark and Cindy Hutchison

    Hyde Family

    Miranda Ikeda

    Shirley F. Jackson

    Nimalan Jeganathan

    Robert E. and Holly A. Johns

    Nathan Johnson

    Valerie Johnson

    Sue Kanode

    Leroy Kapp

    Brent and Julie Kaylor

    Rose and John Kays

    Anthony and Dawn Kearney

    David R. Keefer

    Steven and Rhonda Keefer

    Ralph L. Keil

    Timothy Keller

    Thomas and Phyllis Kent

    Martha Kenworthy

    Karen Kepley

    Maci Kerlin

    David and Jane Kestner

    Terri Kestner

    Sara Khan

    Bruce Kiefer

    Sotheary Kim

    Greg Kimble

    Charles Kindt

    Sheena and Zach Kindt

    Gregory King

    Robert Kinsman

    Jennifer Kipp

    Brian Kiskis

    Amy Kleinfelter

    Brad and Allison Kleinfelter

    Gregory J. and Shirley L. Klimovsky

    David Kline

    Donald R. Kling and Baerbel L. King

    Lindsay, Doug, Faith and Reece Knepp

    Kimberly Kohler

    Natalie Kohler

    Eva Kohn

    Marcy Koman

    Mark and Page Kozak

    Jennifer Kraschnewski

    Donald and Carolyn Kreider

    Elizabeth and Gary Kreider

    Joel Kreider

    Lynn Kreider

    Timothy and Diane Kreider

    Jodi Kreiser

    Greg and Mary Krikorian

    Kathrine Kroger

    Barbara Kuhlengel

    Jason and Alissa Kwiatkowski

    Geraldine M. Langton

    Barbara Laraia

    Nancy Larson

    Dave Laudermilch

    Jean Lavage

    Brock Lawley

    Claire LeFevre

    Dennis and Rayanne Lehman

    Robert and Barbara Lehman

    Terry and Barbara Lenker

    Lois Leonard

    Mike Leonard

    Greg and Theresa Lewis

    Pat and Molly Lewis

    Warren and Terry Lewis

    Karl and Jennifer Liedtka

    Earl W. and Kathryn E. Light

    Kathy F. Lingle

    William and Kathy Lingle

    Robert Linskey

    John and Patty Livering

    Andrea Long

    Bonnie Loomis

    Eric and Rebecca Luckenbaugh

    Andrea Lumbatis

    Brian S. and Karen M. Lynch

    Patrick Lynn

    Joan Lynn

    David and Carol Mader

    Patrice Magalon

    James Malone

    Todd Mark

    Randall and Dawn Marks

    Donald and Cathy Martin

    Jim and Bonnie Martin

    Kathryn Martin

    Daniel and Amy Mateer

    Alicia Matters and Tim Pope

    Robert L. and Pauline E. Matthews

    Daniel and Mary Agnes Mazur

    Susan Mazza

    Brian McAlister

    Kelly McClain

    Lauren McCullough

    Gene and Kathleen McFail

    William and Lisa McGregor

    McKelvie Family

    Daniel McKinley

    Ronald E. and Karen E. McKinley

    J. Norman and Frances McMichael

    Judith McMillen

    Joseph and Jodi McPeak

    Addi Grace McPeak

    Linda Meashey

    John and Lois Mellinger

    Kevin Meyer

    Ed Middleton

    Barbara Miller

    Carol Miller

    David A. and Kim N. Miller

    David and Barbara Miller

    Karyn Miller and Timothy Baker

    Michael and Kristen Miller

    Mike and Diane Miller

    Robert and Diane Miller

    Timothy and Laurie Miller

    Todd and Ann Miller

    William H. and Paula A. Miller

    Rebecca Mishuris

    Shirley Mohr

    Anthony and Elizabeth Montagnese

    Scott and Andrea Moody

    Nicholas B. Moran and Jean M. Weaver

    Peggy Morcom

    Sharon Morell

    George Morgan

    Terri Morgan

    Michael R. and Susan J. Morrow

    Marie Eva Morton

    Joey Moses

    Donald D. and Virginia A. Mowery

    Alison Moyer

    Janet K. Moyer

    Margo Muchinsky

    Mark and Melissa Mullen

    Daniel and Cheryl Murray

  • Sue Nale

    Cindy and Kevin Neve

    Allan and Mary Newstadt

    Hung and Mindy Nguyen

    Jake Nguyen

    Kyle Noble

    John and Carol Nolen

    Donna O'Block

    Donald O'Brien

    Brooke Olenowski

    Nancy Opilo

    Gail Ortenzi

    Brian Palmer

    Sue Pankake

    Mark Parkison

    Richard and Sally Parmer

    Larry and Linda Patches

    Vijay Patel

    Linda Patrick

    Ryan and Melissa Patrick

    Gloria Pavone

    Tom Peiffer

    Charles J. and Marcia J. Perrotti

    Perrotto Family

    Chris and Pam Pierce

    Robert and Debra Pierce

    Todd and Martha Pierce

    Shenendoah Podolak

    David J. and Jane T. Popko

    Avid Popko

    Mary J. Potteiger

    The Potter Family

    C. A. Pratt

    Donald and Ruth Price

    Viki Price

    Caleb and Carlin Purcel

    Linda Raber and Regina Parkinson

    Daniel and Karen Raffensperger

    Jeanette Ramer

    Chantelle Ratcliffe

    Jim and Kate Reed

    Jeffrey and Dawn Reese

    Lisa Reidmiller

    John Reist

    Jeff and Helen Remington

    Barbara Renshaw

    Kathy Rhoades

    Bonnie Rhoads

    Barry and Susan Rhodes

    Jonah Ricards

    Susan Richards

    Ernest and Virginia Richardsen


    William and Janet Richey

    Albert Rizzo

    Stephen Roberts

    Robert and Kathleen Rock

    Edward and Jeannine Rogowicz

    Cathy and Harry Roscoe

    Jonathan Roscoe

    Connie Ross

    Donald and Aurora Roth

    Steven Roth

    Mike and Chris Rugalla

    Miguel and Colleen Ruiz

    Charles E. and Dianne H. Runkle

    Angela Russell

    Ted and Jill Russell

    Francis Ryan

    Bonnie and Stephen Sager

    Martin P. and Kellie M. Salvaggio

    Michael and Flora Salvo

    Shelly Sarpong

    Barry Sattazahn

    Larry and Kathleen Saylor

    Andrew and Ashley Schade

    Cheryl Schell

    Stephanie Schell

    Gail Schilling

    Dane Schoenbaum

    Cecilia Schwartz

    Carl and Nancy Scriniere

    Mark Seaton

    Len and Roxanne Seibert

    Chelsea Seidel

    Stephanie Seigh

    John and Elizabeth Seitz

    Ginger Sellers

    Lakshmi Shankar, M.D.

    Steven A. and Jolynne Z. Shannon

    Karen Sharpwolf

    Dennis E. and Janice K. Sharrock

    James M. Shearer

    Robert and Carole Shearer

    Jay and Mary Sheely

    Robert and Kristine Shelton

    Ann Shields-Young

    Craig Shifflett

    Daniel and Anne Shimberg

    Jeffery and Andrea Shipe

    Thomas and Amy Shoemaker

    Andrew Sholly and Laura A. Palanzo-Sholly

    Josh and Shonna Shope

    Derek and Jennifer Shuler

    April Sibbach

    Gemmy and Blanca Siegel

    Matt Simmons

    Chris Sims

    R. Eugene and Miriam Sindlinger

    Jeffrey Sivik

    The Smeltz Family

    Dave and Sharon Smith

    David and Linda Smith

    Erik V. and Lisa C. Smith

    John Smith

    Michael Smith

    Madelyn Snesavage

    Glenn A. and Jane E. Snover

    Michelle Snyder

    Russell R. and Sandra L. Souder

    Robert N. and Annette M. Spagnolo

    Dean and Audra Spang

    Stephanie Spangler

    Joseph and Barbara Spear

    Daniel Speck

    Joseph Spingler and Emily Spingler,DVM

    Alexandra Spitler

    Paul and Donna Spitler

    Robert and Joan Sproul

    Jenny Stabley

    Lisa Stanley

    Robin Stanley

    Jean Stauffer

    Tom Stebbins

    Judith Stellmach

    Stefanie Stephan

    Clayton E. and Laura L. Stephens

    Elizabeth Sterner

    Michael Stokes

    Carol Stottel

    Laurie Stotz

    Rodney Stringer

    Ryan Stroup

    Sue Stumpf

    Kelly Surber

    Mark D. and Jordana L. Swank

    Ronald and Sylvia Swanson

    Lori Sweger

    Samuel T. and Denise V. Talley

    Frank Tapparo

    Lorene M. Taraschi

    Dororthy Teahl

    D. Scott and Faith Thunberg

    Brooks Tomazin

    Matt Troyan

    Colleen Truitt

    Jan Tshudy

    Richard and Barbara Tushup

    Camille Tylden

    Robert and Marilyn Tyson

    David N. and Kathy J. Ulrich

    Curt and Beth Ulrich

    Noah R. Ulrich

    Roderick and Deborah Ulrich

    Shila and Derek Ulrich

    Donald and Cynthia Umberger

    Richard H. and Naomi F. Umberger

    Roxanna Usher

    Edith Utz

    Roscoe and Janice Van Muylwyk

    Dominic Vieli and Norma Farabaugh-Vieli

    Ashley Visco

    Andrea J. Wagner

    Greg Wagner

    Dale Wagner

    Robert and Sandra Walborn

    Steven and Wendy Wallace

    Ralph Watts

    Cynthia Weatherholtz

    Barry and Colleen Weaver

    Bruce and Ruth Ann Weaver

    Linda Weaver

    Daryl Webber

    Kevin and Pam Weierbach

    Cathy Weiland

    Lori and Tim Weimer

    Larry Weinburg

    Robert and Lois Weinhold

    Joanne Wendte

    Lori Wenger

    Patti Wengert

    John J. Wert, Jr.

    Paul Wessell

    Clyde and Karen Wheland

    Karen White

    Bruce and Janet Wieder

    Catherine Williams

    James H. and Nancy B. Williams

    Gregory and Sharon Wilson

    Nancy Wilson

    Michelle Winter

    Beatrice Wise

    James and Jeanette Witcoskie

    John and Doris Witmer

    Joe and Linda Woelfling

    Ron Woleslagle

    Allan and Juliana Wolfe

    Brett and Janet Wood

    Cecelia Woodham and Ilse Diangelis

    Hubert and Carol Wray

    Deborah Wueschinski

    Rosie Yakstis

    David A. and Patricia A. Yarian

    Jo Ann Yeagley

    Edward and Jeanette Yewdall

    Tim and Carol Yingst

    Heather Yoder

    William A. and June S. Yohn

    Nancy Zarek

    Dennis and Pamela Zellers

    Gary and Carol Zellner

    Christina R Zettlemoyer

    Thomas Zewe

    Charles and Christine Zongilla

    Karina Zotti

  • A&M Pizza Campbelltown

    Aa to Zz Childcare and Learning Center

    AACA Museum, Inc.


    Adler, Muratore, and Powers Charitable Fund of Schwab Charitable Fund

    Aldi - Harrisburg

    Alpha Sigma Tau at Lebanon Valley College

    American Legion Campbelltown

    American Water

    Ancestor Coffeehouse and Creperie - Campbelltown

    Ancestor Coffeehouse and Creperie - Lebanon

    Annville Community Activities Committee

    Annville Elementary School

    Annville Middle/High School

    Annville Township

    Annville-Cleona Council of Churches

    Arbor Greene Development

    ARM Group LLC

    ASK Foods

    Association of Faculty and Friends of the Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center

    AT&T Employee Giving Campaign - YourCause Corporate Employee Giving Programs

    Bagel Rack

    Balsbaugh United Christian Church

    Barbara A. Bentz Living Trust

    Bellegrove United Methodist Church

    Bethany United Methodist Church

    Bethesda Mission

    Bindnagle's Evangelical Lutheran Church

    Bluescope Foundation North America

    Bob Evans



    Bryn Mawr Trust

    BSA Troop 21

    BSA Troop 426

    BSA Troop 456

    BSA Troop 477

    Buse Funeral Home

    Campbelltown United Christian Church

    Campbelltown United Methodist Church


    Central PA Food Bank

    Charities Aid Foundation of America


    Chocolate World

    Cleona Dental

    Cocoa Beanery

    Cocoa Packs

    Columbia Cottage

    Comics and Paperbacks Plus

    Community Bible Church

    Community Garden

    Copper Pub and Grille

    Cornwall Garden


    Country Cruisers of Lebanon County

    Country Meadows Retirement Communities

    County of Lebanon

    Crosstown Dental Group

    Cub Scout Pack 456


    Deer Country Farm and Lawn

    Denise Smith - Yoga for You

    Desserts, Etc.

    Dhaliwa Trucking


    Dollar Tree

    Edwin L. Heim Company

    Encounter Church of Palmyra

    Entech Engineering, Inc.

    Fabio and Joe's

    Fairland Brethren In Christ

    Fasnacht Family Foundation

    Ferrero Group

    Fidelity Charitable

    First Evangelical Congregational Church

    First United Christ Church

    First United Methodist Church

    Forge Elementary Leadership Club

    Forge Road Elementary School

    Free Spirit Yoga Studio

    Frito Lay

    FrontStream Trust

    Gamma Sigma Sigma at Lebanon Valley College

    Gary's Bar

    Giant Corporate

    Giant - Hershey

    Giant - Hummelstown

    Gina Riess, Every Class Counts

    Gingrich Insurance Group

    Girl Scout Troop 70341

    Grace Point Evangelical Free Church

    Gravel Hill United Methodist Church

    Greg Speece T/A GS Designs

    Grocery Outlet Bargain Market

    Haldeman Farms, Inc.

    Helping the Harrisburg Family

    Herbe Jewelry Store

    Heritage Poultry Management Services, Inc.

    Hershey Community Garden

    Hershey ENT

    Hershey Federal Credit Union

    Hershey Food Bank and Community Outreach

    Hershey High School Garden

    Hershey Indivisible Team

    Hershey Pantry

    Hershey-Palmyra Sertoma Club

    Hill Lutheran Church - Lebanon

    Hill United Church of Christ

    Holy Spirit Catholic Church

    Jonestown Outreach Pantry (JOY)

    Karns Foods

    Keefer Family Fund at Fidelity Charitable

    Kindred Home Health

    Kiwanis Club of Annville

    Kiwanis Club of Palmyra

    Klick Lewis Arena

    Knights of Columbus

    Laudermilch Meats

    Lawn Evangelical Congregational Church

    Lawn Fire Company


    Lebanon County Career and Technology Center

    Lebanon County Christian Ministries

    Lebanon County Housing Authority

    Lebanon Valley College

    Lebanon Valley Family Medicine

    Lewis Family Fund at PAA Foundation

    Lingle Avenue Elementary School

    Lisa's Cafe

    Macy's - Harrisburg

    Make A Difference Lebanon


    Merck Foundation

    Messiah Lutheran Church of Lebanon

    Mike Leonard's Plumbing and Heating, Inc.

    Milton Hershey School

    Mister Bobbin Embroidery, Inc.

    MOD Pizza

    MOMS Club of Derry Township

    Morcom Law, LLC

    Mount Aetna Bible Church

    Mount Gretna Craft Brewery

    Mt. Wilson Church of the Brethren

    Network for Good

    North Star Financial Group

    Northside Elementary School

    Oak Spring Farm

    Old Forge Acres Community

    PA Central Federal Credit Union

    Palm Lutheran Church

    Palmview Apartments

    Palmyra - A Caring Community

    Palmyra Aquatic Club

    Palmyra Area High School

    Palmyra Area Middle School

    Palmyra Black Knights

    Palmyra Church of the Brethern

    Palmyra Community Baseball Association

    Palmyra First Evangelical Congregational Church

    Palmyra Grace Church

    Palmyra High School Band Boosters

    Palmyra High School Girls' Field Hockey

    Palmyra High School Wrestling

    Palmyra Interfaith Manor

    Palmyra Kung Fu Center

    Palmyra Lady Cougar Basketball Boosters

    Palmyra United Christian Church

    Panera Bread

    Pantry Cafe at The Hershey Story

    Peet's Coffee

    Penn Jersey Pool and Spa Association

    Penn Medicine

    Penn State Health - Palmyra

    Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center

    Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Trauma Center

    Pepperidge Farm

    Pine Street Elementary School

    Power Packs

    Project Market


    Quantum Imaging

    Rainbow Snow

    Redner's Warehouse Market - Palmyra

    Redner's Warehouse Market- Fredericksburg

    Reece Kelley Foundation

    Rita's Italian Ice

    Rockledge Homeowner's Association

    Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg

    Rotary Club of Palmyra

    Rothermel-Finkenbinder Funeral Home and Crematory

    Rutter's Farm Store - Annville

    Salem United Church of Christ


    Sandi's Bread

    Schwalm's Cleona Restaurant

    Support Connections of Lebanon County

    Seltzer's Bologna

    Sheetz Store 211 - Palmyra

    Sherk's Meeting House

    Shriners Circus

    South Londonderry Police

    St. John's Evangelical Congregational Church

    St. Mark's United Church of Christ - Lebanon

    St. Paul the Apostle Church

    St. Paul's Lutheran Church - Hummelstown

    St. Vincent DePaul Society


    Strategic Business Alternatives, Inc.

    Subway - Tanger Outlets , Hershey

    Sunset Trucking


    Swift Trucking

    Team Kicking Assets at The North Star Financial Group

    TE Connectivity

    The Blackbaud Giving Fund

    The Bridge Faith Community

    The Mom's Club

    The Wonderful Company Foundation, Inc.

    Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

    Trinity Lutheran Church of Colebrook

    Trinity United Church of Christ

    Troegs Independent Brewing

    Tuscarora Wayne Mutual Foundation

    United Way of Lebanon County

    United Way of the Capital Region

    United Way Worldwide

    Unity Church

    UPS Store

    Vincent A. Pronio Charitable Foundation

    Vizo Financial Corporate Credit Union

    Wagners Insurance, Inc.


    Weis Store #94 - Palmyra

    Wells Fargo Advisors


    Woman's Club of Lebanon

    Woodmen of the World

    Your Cause LLC Trustee for TE Connectivity